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One of the biggest mistakes I see law firm owners making today is aiming for the wrong target or not really aiming at all.  They are spending their marketing dollars hoping to attract great cases, but without a clear vision of exactly who they are trying to attract. This methodology of law firm marketing is like throwing paint at a canvas and hoping to come up with a Picasso.

If you want to make your Marketing dollars to really count and produce real results – the kind that leads to more cases, then you need to be intentional and understand who it is that you are trying to reach. Hitting a target necessitates aiming in the right direction. You need clarity.

Increasing moneyStart by asking yourself the following important questions?

  1. “Where do my top cases come from?” and
  2. “Where do I want them to come from?”

Successful Law Firm Marketing includes knowing the kind of cases that you want to attract and crafting a Marketing Strategy to get them.

Unfortunately, many law firms spend their marketing dollars marketing to the wrong demographic. They cast too wide a net, and then hope and pray that they end up with a few great cases.

There’s a better way to approach your firm’s marketing.

Examine where your current marketing dollars are going, and on what platforms and make sure that they are targeting the demographic that you want to attract.

Make sure that the content you are pushing out is designed specifically to attract these kinds of clients and cases.

If you want more trucking cases, or worker’s comp cases, or motorcycle injury cases, then make sure you are crafting a Master Marketing Plan that strategically targets this demographic, goes where they are, and delivers a message that will resonate with them.

In order to attract a specific demographic, start by putting yourself in their shoes.

  • Ask yourself what are their issues and concerns?
  • What are their viewing habits?
  • What are their online surfing habits?
  • What social media platforms are they most apt to use?

Computer strategy. MarketingThe answers to these kinds of questions should directly shape your marketing campaigns, your social media posts, as well as your grassroots and community marketing efforts.

If you want to develop a new area of your practice, the same processes apply.

For example, many law firms want to sign more motorcycle injury cases. That’s exactly why my dear friend Patrick Anderson and I started NAMIL (National Academy of Motorcycle Injury Lawyers). Motorcycle injury is a niche, and as you’ve probably heard before, there are riches in niches. NAMIL is designed to help law firm owners understand and reach this specific demographic with marketing that will resonate with them and result in more signed motorcycle cases.

If you want more Worker’s Comp cases, then develop a marketing strategy to reach injured workers.

If you want more Mass Torts cases, such as talcum powder torts – aim for marketing strategies reaching women in the 25-50 age bracket, and so forth.

The most successful marketing campaigns – the ones that result in more signed cases – are those that are targeted and tailored to reach a specific demographic with a specific message designed for them. If you are intentional in your marketing efforts, you will be able to reach your ideal clients much more successfully.

Take the time to clearly identify your ideal client and create a marketing message that resonates with them and is pushed out on the platforms, and in the locations they frequent. Remember, YOU are probably not your ideal client!

Law firm owners in today’s market have more competition than ever before.

The good news is that today’s law firm owners also have more opportunities than ever before to reach targeted demographics with a powerful differentiating message. So, take aim today!


*** If you want more Strategies to help you Stand out from the Competition and sign more cases, then become a PILMMA Gold member – Click here for more info.

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