coronavirus lawyers

We’ve assembled this list of resources from our own content and from around the web. PILMMA is providing this free of charge to all lawyers. If you find something worth sharing, please contact us so that we may include it here.

new webinar!!

Wondering whether you can or should require your employees to get the COVID vaccine?  Do you need clarity on what the latest round of PPP Loan rules mean for your firm?  Then you can’t afford to miss this 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄 webinar!  Join us as Employment Law Expert, Alan Crone, and Tax Expert, Boris Musheyev, share the VERY LATEST UPDATES on your legal rights and responsibilities regarding the vaccine and PPP Loans


covid19 webinarseries fbtw

How to Lock in PPP Loan Forgiveness

Episode 8. Recorded June 9, 2020

The Heart of Marketing During COVID-19

Episode 7. Recorded April 28, 2020

Getting the Most from Your Remote Staff

Episode 6. Recorded April 21, 2020

Law Firm Marketing During COVID-19

Episode 5. Recorded April 14, 2020


Episode 3. Recorded March 31, 2020


Episode 2. Recorded March 24, 2020

How Law Firms Survive Coronavirus

Episode 1. Recorded March 17, 2020


LIVE UPDATES: tracking developments in the SBA CARES Act and Payroll Protection Program

PILMMA is closely monitoring developments in the SBA’s loan and debt relief programs and their impact on the legal community.

SBA Paycheck Protection Program

On March 27th President Trump signed in to law the CARES Act also known as the Paycheck Protection Program. This bill includes $367B that will be added to the SBA lending authority in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic to support small businesses that have been affected by the virus.

Crisis cash flow process: developing a plan on funding needs

Webinar by CPA Greg Crabtree discussing how to develop a 90-day plan to move toward monetary self-sufficiency.

Will Business Interruption Insurance Cover Coronavirus-Related Disruptions?

There will likely be increased claims against these policies, but whether these claims will be covered depends on several factors—beginning with the terms and conditions of the specific insurance policy and the circumstances surrounding the alleged loss.


Guidelines for reopening your law firm

A document created by one of our PILMMA members and referenced in the June 16th Coronavirus Survival Webinar Series.

PPP Forgiveness Toolkit

A collection of PDFs and Excel worksheets (with instructions!) from the folks at Cathedral Capital on how to pull the best payroll reports to fill out your PPP loan forgiveness application. ZIP download.

Small Business Owner’s Guide to the CARES Act

The programs and initiatives in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act that was just passed by Congress are intended to assist business owners with whatever needs they have right now. PDF document.

Implementation of SBA loan and Paycheck Protection programs

This interim final rule announces the implementation of sections 1102 and 1106 of the CARES Act. Section 1102 of the Act temporarily adds a new product, titled the “Paycheck Protection Program,” to the SBA loan program. PDF document.

Coronavirus telecommuting Agreement

Boilerplate Microsoft Word document.

Infectious disease policy

Boilerplate Microsoft Word document.

Protocols pursuant to infectious disease policy

Boilerplate Microsoft Word document.


BUSINESS continuity plan

How to set your law firm’s staff up to work remotely.

Working from home due to Coronavirus

Three tips for productive leaders of a remote workforce.

Virtual Meetings: 99 (Best) Tools, Ideas and Tips

Virtual meetings can be a cost-saving or revenue-generating option as an event planner. But only if you have the right tools and know-how

The ultimate guide to remote meetings in 2020

Learn how to set up effective virtual meetings with distributed team members

How do I protect my Remote Desktop

Six easy tips for protecting your remote connection


10 Tips for Managing Remote Law Firm Employees During Social Distancing

Tiana Hardison joins Ken in this episode of the Grow Your Law Firm podcast.

10 Tips for Managing Your Remote Law Firm Employees During COVID-19

So, the Coronavirus is here and is likely to be with us all for quite a while. As a result, many of you have gone remote with most or all of your law firm .employees

Weathering Coronavirus Disruptions with Planning and Technology

If there was ever a time to improve organizational capacity to plan and react to emerging threats and opportunities, it would appear to be now.


Leading Through Crisis

Newly Added Content! Internationally respected leadership expert, speaker, coach, and author, John Maxwell, delivered this four-part virtual summit: Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3 | Session 4

Employee wellbeing assessment tool

How is the COVID-19 outbreak affecting your team? A free tool offered by Emplify.

Resources to share with your employees

Some of the best practices and resources Emplify found helpful as we all learn and adapt to the changes we’re facing

Facing a company crisis? 5 strategies to restore calm

Inc. Magazine article about leading employees through difficulty as a routine part of leadership. 5 steps to move through the chaos with minimal disruption.

5 practical c's for leading in a crisis

Here are 5 actions to take as a leader.
The first is THE most important – do the rest in whatever order makes sense. PDF document.

how to reassure your team when the new is scary

How you can communicate uncertainty both internally to teams and externally to clients — whether it’s about participating in an upcoming conference or delivering on a signed proposal. Communicating in the face of uncertainty is a constant leadership challenge.

30 ways to build workplace resilience

Resilience in the workplace is a leading issue for boards, CEOs, and the People and Culture leadership. The workplace drivers for resilience are clear.


13 Ways to Improve Your Marketing Results During Tough Times

PILMMA webinar. Kara Prior, President of James Publishing, is our guest. Ideas for improving your results during this pandemeic.

$100M in Facebook Grants to Small Businesses

Facebook is offering $100M in small business cash grants and ad credits to help small businesses during the COVID-19 crisis! If you have between 2 and 50 employees, you may qualify.


Reset Your consultation approach to win more business

Marketing expert and thought leader, Liz Wendling, CEO of Rainmaker Coach, joins us to discuss how in these times the old ways of doing business in attracting potential clients just don’t cut it.