Episode 158:

Welcome to episode 158 of the Grow Your Law Firm podcast, hosted by Ken Hardison. In this episode Ken sits down to discuss how the power of adding a book to your marketing arsenal can help you get more cases.

Ken is the Founder of PILMMA, Personal Injury Lawyers Marketing and Management Association, dedicated to helping lawyers learn the critical strategies to success. As a trusted advisor, consultant, coach, and Mastermind mentor, Ken has coached lawyers to greater success time and time again. With a passion and deep understanding of both grassroots and cutting-edge online legal marketing strategies, Ken is committed to helping lawyers experience greater levels of financial success, freedom, and personal satisfaction – the kind that comes from building an ethical and exceptional law practice.  Focusing on the practical and the proven rather than the cerebral, Ken guides lawyers through the steps needed to build the law practice many lawyers have only dreamed possible.


What you’ll learn about in this episode:

  • The benefits of writing a book to market your firm
  • How to leverage utilizing books
  • Using books as a referral system with your clients
  • How to write a book and self-publish it
  • Learn 9 ways to use a book to market your firm



PILMMA’s Super Summit: https://www.pilmma.org/summit/

The Mastermind Effect: https://www.pilmma.org/the-mastermind-effect/

PILMMA’s Free Resources: https://www.pilmma.org/resources/

PILMMA Join Page: https://www.pilmma.org/mastermind/